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Teach Berkoff

  • 2 Steps
Get a certificate by completing the program.


“A comprehensive and fun-to-teach scheme of work, well communicated through a webinar. I highly recommend signing up!”- Sarah Lambie- Drama & Theatre Magazine A 90 minute Online Course for secondary drama teachers, which will give you all the resources and knowledge you need to teach Berkoff with confidence. These are versatile resources and exercises you can use again and again, with 14-19 year olds. This Online Course is designed to give teachers 8 insightful workshops that they can use to explore Berkoff’s methods, which are closely underpinned by the Social, Cultural and Historical (SCH) context surrounding Berkoff’s significance in taking inspiration from the past as opposed to the present. The course will cover: • A detailed guide to Berkoff’s life, work, and methodology. • 10 Engaging & imaginative practical exercises for exploring Berkoff with 14-19 year olds. • Ideas for adapting practical approaches for different levels. Includes a 43-page Berkoff Practitioner Pack: • A pack of detailed Lessons Plan for all practical exercises. • Comprehensive student handouts about Berkoff’s life, work and methodology- including context, roots, purpose, practice, influences and collaborations.




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